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About me

Bhagirthi profile picture
Hello, I'm Bhagirthi Jhamb

I am a Toronto based full-stack web developer with engineering background. I am proficient in creating intercactive experiences and functional interfaces using MERN stack.
I have been developing web for around 2 years now and I genuinely enjoy crafting immersive experiences through code.

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My Portfolio

exercise tracker app picture
React Hooks | Context API | MongoDB
NodeJS | Express

Pictogram 🏞

A full-stack (MERN) social media application similar to Instagram.

  • Signup with username, email & password
  • Create posts and upload pictures
  • Like/ comment on posts
  • Add/ edit user profile picture, website and bio
  • Follow/ unfollow other users
Chat Box app picture
React Hooks | Redux | MongoDB
Express | Paypal

Shoppers Choice πŸ›

A fully functional full-stack (MERN) e-commerce application with shopping cart checkout system.

  • Signup/ signin user
  • Two level authentication- admin, other users
  • Search/ filter products
  • Product review/ rating system
  • Payments with Paypal API
Chat Box app picture
React | NodeJS | MongoDB | Sass | HTML5

Emaily πŸ“€

A feedback collection application to be marketed to startup owners/ product owners/ product managers so that they can collect feedback from their users.

  • User signs up via Google OAuth
  • User pays for email credits via Stripe
  • User creates a new 'campaign' or 'survey'
  • App sends emails to a list of surveyees
  • A report of tabulated feedback is provided to the user
exercise tracker app picture
React | Router | Javascript | Sass | HTML5

Exercise Tracker πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

A full stack (MERN) app that allows users to create user profiles and add exercise logs for the registered users.

  • Sign up or Sign in to the app
  • Create exercise logs add users to it
  • Edit/ delete exercise logs if required
Create Party app picture
React | Router | Firebase | Javascript | Sass

CreateParty App πŸ₯³

A full stack application that allows users to create parties for guests with dietary restrictions.

  • An agency-style group application developed with 3 other developers
  • Create party, create guests with dietary restrictions
  • Get recipe suggestions for the party
Travel Logger app picture
React | NodeJS | MongoDB | Sass | HTML5

Travel Logger βœˆοΈπŸ—½

A full stack (MERN) application to store/list places you have traveled.

  • User can click on the world map to add logs of places visited
  • Map shows the marked places
  • Add picture and description of the place
  • Click the marker to see the details
Chat Box app picture
React | Firebase | Javascript | Sass | HTML5

Chat Box πŸ‘¦πŸ»πŸ‘§πŸ»

A chat app that connects you with your friends in real time.

  • Create a username and chat groups
  • Join existing chat groups
  • Delete messages/groups if required
  • Local Storage to persist current user
Chat Box app picture
React Hooks | TMDb API | Sass | HTML5

The Movie Buff 🎬

A movie nomination app that allows users to search and nominate their top 5 movies.

  • Search movies from TMDb api
  • Select and nominate favourite 5 movies.
  • Change/ remove movies from the cart.
  • Local Storage to persist the selected movies.
Chat Box app picture
React | Youtube API | Javascript | HTML5

WeTube πŸ“Ή

A Youtube browser application.

  • User enters a search term
  • App fetches videos from Youtube Public API
  • User can select from a list of search result videos

More Projects

Recipe App picture
Recipe App

React | Firebase

Recipe App picture
Dress n Style

jQuery | HTML5 | CSS3

Recipe App picture
Budget App

JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3

Pig Game picture
Pig Game

JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS3

Snake Game picture
Snake Game

jQuery | HTML5 | CSS3

My Blog

I like to write about what I learn. Checkout my Medium posts...

13 April, 2020
JavaScript has evolved from a Dynamically Typed to...

The variable’s data type is the JavaScript scripting engine’s interpretation of the type of data that variable is currently holding. A string variable holds a string, a number variable holds a number value, and so on....

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21 April, 2020
Spread Operator β€” ES6 features-Part-1

In JavaScript ES6 has brought with it some really interesting features that has added expressive power to the language. Even though these tools allow us to perform some common operations, they are worth ...

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Β© 2021 Bhagirthi Jhamb